On a High Note is an inspiring short program about the importance of knowing yourself, where you want to be, and having the commitment to get there. Join author Laura Goodrich as she explores three key concepts that will help us achieve our vision.
The Unfortunate Effects Series consists of three insightful training films. In any orientation session, three important issues must be presented, processed, and remedied. Once an employee overcomes their irrational fears, uncontrolled or misplaced anger, and tendency to lie, their true personality is ready to absorb important business information in a more pure and effective manner.
E-learning courses in SCORM 1.2 or MP4 format to plug right into your system.
Conducting extraordinary performance appraisals is an essential skill for every manager. The performance appraisal is the single most effective tool a manager can use for performance improvement.
What do you do if you are the supervisor or manager of a problem employee? What if you are the target of bullying behaviour, yourself? Or if you are accused of acting like a bully?
As a manager, it's up to you to be a role model. You need to insist on being treated respectfully yourself, and you need to provide a safe and respectful atmosphere for your people.
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This inspirational leadership meeting opener will send you in the right direction to releasing the leader inside.
Introductory price 5.
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When poor service occurs in Healthcare, even the newest or least trained employee can suddenly become the face of your organization to a patient or family member. This practical and memorable program is specifically designed to empower healthcare staff with a clear checklist of Customer Service Recovery tools and techniques. Learn more...
Have respect and good manners begun to slip in your workplace? Is rude behaviour becoming the norm?
Bullies often act just under the radar, denying their hostile intent or shrugging off their behaviours as humorous or insignificant. Yet, the constant tension they create and the way their harmful activities tend to build over time not only damages the individual targets of their behaviour but also the workgroup as a whole.
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As a manager, recognizing a potentially troublesome employee situation then quickly taking action is key to keeping your team motivated and running smoothly. The problem is, that takes time, and as a manager, you have a lot on your plate already.
This new training program deals with the less than sunny side of customer service, the sticky and sensitive situations we all find ourselves in from time to time. "The Right Words at the Right Time" will help government front line personnel take a customer from angry and annoyed to feeling satisfied and respected.
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It used to be when someone received bad service, they would tell a few friends... now, they tell the world!
You can't help but notice that almost everything we do now has a chance of being recorded, reviewed and presented to the entire planet. Without question, customers are making their buying decisions based on what they see online. This new kind of customer feedback puts service providers in a very vulnerable position, but there is something you can do about it. Learn more...
What employees want to tell you...but don't!
It's true; most leaders live in a vacuum. They don't receive much feedback from the people they lead. In fact, they often have no idea how good - or bad - their leadership really is!
Embarrassment, looking foolish, feeling like a bad person, anger, resentment. These feelings that can occur when you have a negative encounter in the workplace. In this new inclusion training package, Dr. Sondra Thiederman offers some simple tools to turn these uncomfortable situations into productive conversations. Learn more...
Celebrate! Change Your Lens, Change Your Life expands upon the lessons introduced in Dewitt's ground breaking 2001 release: Celebrate What's Right with the World.
Filmed on the beautiful island of Molokai, Hawaii, Dewitt shares his unique perspective and amazing photography to remind us that we have the power; the power to choose how we see the world around us, and the power to choose how we want to live in it. It is a timeless message that carries well beyond the confines of work into every aspect of our lives. Learn more...
A powerful series on hot topics everyone can enjoy. Short, sharp and funny with simple messages and skills for everyone. Great session starters to create a positive culture and effective communication.
Created by psychologist Eve Ash and comedienne Erin Brown, and featuring a talented group of comedy performers.
Each DVD Includes: Leader's Notes, Discussion Questions, Activities, Handouts and PPT Slides